
 Current projects

  1. Price volatility in the European carbon market: The role of participation and risk management (with Aurélie Slechten, Lancaster)
  2. The benefits and costs of information: Evidence from the New Zealand wholesale electricity market (joint with Stefan Bergheimer, Compass Lexecon, and Mar Reguant, Northwestern University)
  3. Endogenous preferences and the role of the mechanism in school choice

 Research papers

  1. Who gains from market fragmentation? Evidence from the early stages of the EU carbon market (with Aurélie Slechten, Lancaster), July 2024 (Online Appendix)
  2. Market Design for the Environment (with Aurélie Slechten, Lancaster), August 2024 [slides, blog]
  3. Competition between Exchanges – Lessons from the Battle of the Bund (with Pai-Ling Yin, University of Southern California), March 2016
  4. Combination Bidding in Multi-unit Auctions (with Martin Pesendorfer, LSE), CEPR working paper 6083, February 2007
  5. Electoral Rules and the Emergence of New Issue Dimensions, CEPR working paper 2769, January 2001. 

 Refereed publications

  1. Respecting priorities versus respecting preferences in school choice: When is there a trade-off? (joint with Li Chen, University of Gothenburg and Juan Pereyra, Universidad de la República, Uruguay),  Games and Economics Behavior, 148 (2024), 82-96 [slides]
  2. Price and quantity discovery without commitment (joint with Stefan Bergheimer, Compass Lexecon, and Mar Reguant, Northwestern University), International Journal of Industrial Organisation, 90 (2023), 102987
  3. Information Aggregation in Emissions Markets with Abatement (with Aurélie Slechten), Annals of Economics and Statistics, Special Issue on Frontiers in Environmental Economics, 132, 53-79, 2018
  4. Broadening the market design approach to school choice, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, November 201733(4), 613-634
  5. The Multi-unit Assignment Problem: Theory and Evidence from Course Allocation at Harvard (with Eric Budish), American Economic Review, August 2012, 102(5), 2237-71.
  6. Competition between Exchanges – a Research Agenda (with Pai-Ling Yin), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(3), May 2011, 329-336
  7. Procurement when Price and Quality Matter (with John Asker), Rand Journal of Economics, 41(1), Spring 2010, 1-34.
  8. Regulating school choice in Brussels, Brussels Studies, 34, November 2009.
  9. Properties of Scoring Auctions (with John Asker), Rand Journal of Economics, 39(1), Spring 2008, 69-85.
  10. The Effect of Bidders’ Asymmetries on Expected Revenue in Auctions, Games and Economic Behavior, 62 (2008), 1-25.
  11. Investment Incentives in Procurement Auctions (with Leandro Arozamena), Review of Economic Studies, 71(1), January 2004, 1-18.
  12. A Graphical Analysis of some Basic Results in Social Choice (with Antonio Rangel), Social Choice and Welfare, 19, 2002, 587-611.

 Book chapters and policy-oriented publications

  1. Les nouvelles données de la transition énergétique (with Elise Viadere) in Cantillon, E. S. Brunet, J. Eyckmans, A. Gautier, M. Muûls, F. Venmans (eds), Réussir la transition vers une économie zéro carbone, November 2023, Editions de l’Université Ouverte
  2. La transition énergétique en Belgique : Etat des lieux (with Leticia Pieraerts) in Cantillon, E. S. Brunet, J. Eyckmans, A. Gautier, M. Muûls, F. Venmans (eds), Réussir la transition vers une économie zéro carbone, November 2023, Editions de l’Université Ouverte
  3. Phase-out policies, Chapter 5 in C. Gollier and D. Rohner (eds), Peace not pollution: How going green can tackle climate change and toxic politics, CEPR Press, June 2023
  4. Mobilizing private sector data for climate action, with Bertrand Collignon, Grégoire Denis and Guillaume Thys, Solvay Public Policy House, Report prepared for the Paris 21 Foundation, April 2023
  5. Electricity market design: Views from European economists, CEPR Policy Insight 120, March 2023 (17 authors)
  6. School admissions in England: The rules schools choose on which pupils to admit, with Simon Burgess, Mariagrazia Cavallo, Ellen Greaves and Min Zhang, March 2023
  7. Mixité sociale dans un système de libre choix scolaire: mise en oeuvre et résultats du système de double quota dans les écoles fondamentales de Gand (Belgique), with Jean Pierre Verhaeghe, CNESCO, March 2022
  8. Developments in Data for Economic Research (with 19 other authors), in: R. Blundell et al. (2017), Economics without Borders – Economic Research for European Policy Challenges, Cambridge University Press.
  9. Auctions for the Support of Renewables: When and how?, report for DG COMP (European Commission), August 2014
  10. What support mechanism is needed for flexible capacity in Belgium?, in Estache (ed.), The Next Generation of Economic Issues in Energy Policy in Europe, CEPR, 2014.
  11. Mixité sociale: le rôle des procédures d’inscriptions scolaires, in : Ph. Maystadt et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of Belgian French-speaking Economists, November 2013, CIFoP editions (on the role of the school choice mechanism in promoting social diversity in school intakes)
  12. Quel enfant dans quelle école? Réflexions sur les inscriptions scolaires en Belgique (with Nicolas Gothelf), in: de Calataÿ et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 18th Congress of Belgian French-speaking Economists, November 2009, CIFoP Editions.
  13. Auctioning Bus Routes: The London Experience (with Martin Pesendorfer), in: Peter Cramton, Yoav Shoham and Richard Steinberg (eds.), Combinatorial Auctions, MIT press, January 2006.
  14. Quality Issues in Contracts – Great Britain (with Yves Mathieu), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Association for Public Transport (UITP), Florence, Italy, April 1995.

 Edited books

  1. Cantillon, E., S. Brunet, J. Eyckmans, A. Gautier, M. Muûls, F. Venmans (2023), Réussir la transition vers une économie zéro carbone, Proceedings of the 25th Congress of Belgian Economists, Editions Université Ouverte
  2. Blundell, R., E. Cantillon, B. Chizzolini, M. Ivaldi, W. Leininger, R. Marimon, L. Matyas, F. Steen (2017), Economics without Borders – Economic Research for European Policy Challenges, Cambridge University Press.
  3. Cantillon, E, M. Cattelain, L. Denayer, P. Maystadt, P. Pestieau, B. Van der Linden  (2013), Le Modèle social belge: Quel avenir? (The future of the Belgian Social Model), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the Belgian French-speaking economists, CIFoP editions.

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