
 Current teaching

  1. GEST-S-2002 Sustainable Development, Business and Policy, with Bertrand Collignon (full material on the UV platform)
  2. ECON-S467 Law and Economics of the Environment, with Chiara Armeni (full material on the UV platform)
  3. Sustainability 101 (Executive Education)

 Current doctoral students

  1. Julia Jadin is interested in responsible consumption
  2. Leticia Pieraerts is interested in the integration of demand flexibility in the electricity wholesale market
  3. Elise Viadere is interested in electricity markets and how they can support the energy transition

 Former doctoral students

  1. Paolo Casini (European Commission DG Growth)
  2. Li Chen (University of Gothenburg)
  3. Luisa Dressler (OECD)
  4. François Koulischer (University of Luxemburg)
  5. Maria-Eugenia Sanin (Université Paris – Saclay)
  6. Aurélie Slechten (University of Lancaster)

 Current master students

Every year I supervise the undergraduate thesis of a number of students working on education, sustainability, energy or the climate. Some of these have been awarded prizes, including Tessy Kaiser (ECONB 2013) who received the Sadi Kirchen Prize for her thesis on intergenerational accounting, and Mourad El Rougy (ECONB, 2017) who has been awarded the HERA award for Future Generations, category IT, for a thesis on the benefit of open data for improving environmental policy design and implementation

During this academic year, I am working with the following students:

  1. Miryam Benalla on the governance and tools to improve global plant pest surveillance
  2. Nathan Bosserez on the market for Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) in Belgium
  3. Lucia Secades on carbon capture in the cement industry
  4. Cyriauqe Goossens on a comparison between the German and UK approaches to phasing out coal
  5. Chaïma Hatim on “are our economies becoming less resource intensive? A critical assessment of the European Commission monitoring framework on the circular economy”
  6. Louis Godon on integrated assessment models
  7. Martin Papageorge on the rebound effect in mobility, using household survey data


















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