
Matching in Practice, a research network on allocation and admission procedures in education that I co-coordinate with Peter Biro and Dorothea Kuebler., a website created by citizen-activists to document the (sometimes unexpected) impact of the geographic criteria in the current school choice priorities in the French-speaking side of Belgium.

Matt Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro’s very useful Practitioner’s Guide to Code and Data for the Social Sciences – essential reading for all empirical researchers

A nice piece by Matt Jackson on the nature of economics as a science and the role of theory in an age of design and big data . A useful read for new and old economists alike.

Our World in Data is an impressive Oxford-led effort to provide easily accessible statistics on living conditions around the world over the long-run.  Since 2018, they are also tracking worldwide progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). was set up by CEPR to promote the dissemination of research-based policy analysis and commentary.

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