Policy Outreach

Pour ce qui est de l’avenir, il ne s’agit pas de le prévoir mais de le rendre possible – Antoine de Saint Exupéry

Economics is about understanding the world around us, and for this reason, much of my work finds its inspiration in existing policy problems or developments in the way markets and firms operate. Over time, I have also been increasingly interested in using research to inform policy.  My policy areas of interest are energy, climate and education.

 Recent policy engagements in the energy sector:

2023 Chair of the 25th Congress of Belgian Economists on the theme: Making the energy transition to a low carbon economy a success  [proceedings] [conclusions]
2023 Electricity Market Design: Views from European Economists, CEPR Policy Insight 120 (17 authors). A response to the European Commission public consultation on electricity market reform.
2016 Evaluation, for the Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs, of Elia’s study about the adequacy and the need for flexibilty in the Belgian electricity system (with Johan Albrecht, Sam Hamels and Thomas Lennert)
2016 Study, for a member of the Belgian Federal Parliament, on how to account for uncertainty when determining nuclear provisions
2015 Panelist on “Energie: Quelle régulation économique” in a workshop organized by the Parliament of the Brussels Capital Region on “La régulation, un enjeu pour la Région bruxelloise”
2015 Evaluation, for the Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs, of Elia’s assessment of the required size for the strategic reserve for the winter 2016-17 (with Johan Albrecht, Sam Hamels and Thomas Lennert)
2014 Auctions for the Support of Renewables: When and how?, a study for DG COMP (European Commission) on the design of competitive mechanisms in the context of the new guidelines for state aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG)
2011 – 2013 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Belgian Observatory for Energy, Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs

 Recent policy engagements in education:

2015 – 2016 Scientific committee on the French government’s initiative to improve social diversity in schools, French Ministry of Education
2015 Testimony in front of the Education Commission of the Flemish Parliament on “How to regulate school choice? Insights from research and practice
2014 Invited speaker, study day of SeGEC, the umbrella organization for catholic schools in the French-speaking community of Belgium, to discuss their memorandum
2014 Invited speaker, Journée de l’Association des Inspecteurs de l’Enseignement de la Communauté de Française, to speak on “Tenants et aboutissants des procédures d’inscriptions scolaires
2013 Scientific coordinator for Commission 4 “Education from the perspective of the Belgian Social Model” for the 20th Congress of Belgian French-speaking economists [proceedings]
2010 Creation of Matching in Practice, a research network that brings together researchers interested in allocation and admission procedures in education markets, with the view to foster the interactions between different approaches (theory, experiments, field data, policy / market design) and aggregate expertise about the actual functioning of these markets in Europe





















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